Frequently Asked Questions

  • Although one day I look forward to returning to in-person work, right now I only offer telehealth sessions via video.

  • With the exception of special accommodations needed for one’s disability status, I recommend that initially we use my video platform, Simple Practice, to meet for our sessions. It is very helpful to read your facial expressions and non-verbal forms of communication!

    If you do not have access to this platform or if there are other considerations to discuss, I am happy to be flexible and meet over the phone.

  • I do not accept insurance, though if you indicate your preference to submit for out-of-network insurance benefits, I will happily provide the documentation necessary on a monthly basis to submit for reimbursement.

  • Please inform me 24 hours (business or weekend) prior to your scheduled appointment to cancel or reschedule. Also, you are a human and things come up, so as long as it is not a pattern, I do my best to be flexible and understanding of those needs!

  • Sessions are 45-50 minutes in length.

  • I highly recommend that when first starting therapy, you commit to a weekly appointment cadence. Once you feel you have made progress on your initial goals, I am happy to discuss meeting less frequently, which may include transitional support toward terminating our work together.

  • I work with adults over the age of 18, with all identity statuses, in individual and couples therapy.

  • I primarily utilize an integrative approach with a focus on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for individual sessions and an Emotionally-Focused framework for couples.

  • I really want to make this experience valuable and meaningful to you; therefore, I welcome feedback frequently and regularly in terms of how you are experiencing our work together, ways to make it feel more productive, and switching our focus or goals if necessary.

  • Yes! If it fits with the focus and goal of treatment, I absolutely believe in the value of recommended assignments or tasks to transition the themes we discuss in therapy into the real world. It is also a great way to practice skills and speed up your progress in treatment!

  • When possible, I recommend that clients think about the setting of their environment prior to logging in. If I had the opportunity to “set the stage” for therapy each week, I would make sure you are in a private room where you are not worried about others overhearing our discussion (sound machines work well for this too!), a comfortable chair, your phone on silent, no other computer windows/applications visible besides our therapy appointment, tissues nearby, and pen/paper.

    Trying to reduce any other distractions and really focus on this space will give you the best opportunity to engage, get in touch with your emotions, and feel like you are getting the most out of therapy. I know this can’t be created every week and things come up, but whenever possible, it can be really helpful to be intentional about our virtual space together!